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Schlenkerla - Fastenvier 2017


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The vintage version of the Lentbeer has been matured for 3 years in the historic rock cellars of "Stephansberg" under the Schlenkerla brewery.

The Original Schlenkerla Lentbeer is an unfiltered smokebeer, brewed in accordance with the Bavarian Purity Law of 1516. Bottom-fermenting yeast gives the reddish brown lentbeer a natural cloudiness. Its smoky aroma is already noticeable in the smell, combined with a fine hoppy note. In the drink the fullbodied, highly drinkable lentbeer shows its strong malty flavour, rounded up with the smokey taste and a light bitterness. Due to the nourishing yeast, the Original Schlenkerla Lentbeer has the "Brotzeit already included" (German word for afternoon snack).

Schlenkerla - Fastenvier 2017 | Smoked Lager / Rauchbier | 5.5% abv | 500 ml